June 1 – 4

The inaugural event of the IIHS | International Inline Hockey Series is the Bodense Series 2023 in Kreuzligen CH – Konstanz DE.

We are proud to host this first-time competition and would be delighted to have you join us.

01 — Location

Kreuzlingen CH
Konstanz DE

2 Cities on the shore of the Bodensee Lake, with wide views across the water and the mountains at your fingertips, many historic landmarks and diverse activities. Visitors can explore the lake by boat, visit picturesque towns and villages along the shores.

03  —  Tournament

Divisions & Prizes

  • Mens Pro (Invitational)
  • Womens Pro (Invitational)
  • Junior Divisions U18, U16, U14 & U12

For more information about the tournament click below.

04  — Logistics


The venue is easily accessible by both car and train, with three train stations located within a 10-minute walking distance and 400 available parking spaces.

05  —  Accommodation


There are various accommodation options available in a range of price points, with the majority of hotels situated within a 15-minute walking distance.

06  —  Food


The restaurant arena will provide a variety of buffet menu options.

07  —  Bodensee Experience

Explore the Area

From visiting historic landmarks, to exploring one of the largest natural parks in the area, or taking a scenic cruise around the Bodensee, there are plenty of activities suitable for all ages to enjoy.
